Pzizz helps you quickly quiet your mind, fall asleep fast, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed.

It uses beautiful “dreamscapes” — a mix of music, voiceovers and sound effects designed using the latest clinical research — to help you sleep better at night or take power naps during the day.


Use this as dark background, a part of the gradient or a text color on white background.
Use this as lighter version of the dark color if needed. Used in gradients as well.
Use white color to create contrast.
This is used for buttons and other important stuff. If used as background, use white color for text and other elements.

Background Gradients

#111626 -> #232e4c
#111626 -> #322140
#111626 -> #7B6F51
#111626 -> #664849


Download Font
1X, 100% opacity, 130% line height.
Use for headings. Don't use ALL CAPS.
Try to avoid headings longer than 3 lines.
0.5X-1X, 50-100% opacity, 130-160% line height.
Use for paragraphs, subheadings or contrast.
Make sure to create enough of contrast with both
Additional Notes
As with all logos, please make sure that logo has enough white space around it to see it clearly. Additionally, use the correct logo to match background and context.
Use Desktop Version Please
Made in Webflow